This is a program that is intended to be a measure of a Voiture Locale’s activities and member involvement. It is a measure of the Voiture as a unit.It is intended to measure the percentage of participation on the part of individual Voitures. In the simplest of terms, the higher the percentage the better the program.

Some of the activities that can be measured by the program, include the following, but not limited to these.

* A Brunch, Dinner, Bar-B-Q.

* Dance, Kids Party, Flag Respect Demonstration

* VA Activity, Party for Patients

* Veterans Day/Memorial Day Activity

* Any Veterans Organization meeting the Voiture was in attendance.

* All Locale Promenades/Cheminots

* Grande Events

Any activity the Voiture sponcers and any that a quorum of the Voiture is in attendance.

Over the course of the year you should keep track of each of these activities and the number of Voyageurs that attended. The Dames that are present at these events can also be counted in Voyageur number.

At the end of the year,you will be asked to complete a Voiture Activities report that will be sent to the Grande Directeur and then ultimately on to the National Directeur.

The report will show you how to complete the form and you will be able to calculate your percentage of participation.

While this percentage of participation will enter you in competition for a National Award, what’s more important it will give your Voiture and your membership an indication of just how active you are, and at the Grande level, will give you some indication as to how you compare in your Activities with other Voitures across your Grande.

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